Deb F.

Jessie C.
Heights PTO Board 2024-2025

Rebecca C.

Anne M.

Anh Tu Pham

Srivi R.
Heights Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) provides wonderful opportunities for parents to work with the administration and staff to provide the most engaging and well-round learning environment for our students!
What we do:
Sponsor educational programming: Every student participates- we work with teachers to bring in curriculum-relevant enrichment programs for each grade, as well as school-wide programs.
Foster community & school spirit through social events (Kindergarten playdates, family events, school-wide events)
Support the Heights mission to create an inclusive, caring and engaging community
Organize teacher appreciation events, i.e. Welcome Back Lunch in Sept., staff breakfasts throughout the year, and Teacher Appreciation events in May
Provide funding for the specials- art, music, gym, technology & library through donation drives
Provide mini-grants & annual stipends to teachers to develop their curriculum and classrooms
Purchase items for the school as needed for the playground, Heights garden and office
Work closely with the Art teacher and Sharon town officials to get the Heights Mural project going this school year--stay tuned!
Provide direct opportunities for students to engage in community service (food drives for Sharon Pantry, Main Spring lunch program)
Encourage Heights school spirit by having Spirit Weeks at school and many opportunities for students to wear their Heights Hedgie gear